Census Dataset
घरपरिवार तालिका
- Table 01: Number of households by type of ownership of housing unit, NPHC 2021
- Table 02: Number of households by type of foundation of housing unit, NPHC 2021
- Table 03: Number of households by type of materials used for outer walls of housing unit, NPHC 2021
- Table 04: Number of households by type of roof of housing unit, NPHC 2021
- Table 05: Number of households by type of floor of housing unit, NPHC 2021
- Table 06: Number of households by type of main source of drinking water unit, NPHC 2021
- Table 07: Number of households by type of fuel usually used for cooking, NPHC 2021
- Table 08 Number of households by usual source of lighting, NPHC 2021
- Table 09: Number of households by type of toilet facility, NPHC 2021
- Table 10: Number of households by household amenities/assets used, NPHC 2021
- Table 11: Number of households by female household member's ownership of fixed assets, NPHC 2021
- Table 12: Number of households with small scale enterprise other than agriculture, NPHC 2021
- Table 13: Number of households where at least one person had died in the 12 months preceding the census, by sex, NPHC 2021
- Table 14: Number of deaths by age groups and sex of the deceased person, NPHC 2021
- Table 15: Number of deaths by age group of the deceased person and cause of death (in the 12 months preceding the census), NPHC 2021
- Table 16: Number of female deaths by broad age group of the deceased and Status at death, NPHC 2021
- Table: 17 Number of households with at least one absentee abroad and absent population, NPHC 2021
- Table 18: Absent population abroad by five year age groups and sex, NPHC 2021
- Table 19: Absent population abroad by age group and country, NPHC 2021
- Table 20: Absent population abroad by age groups and reason of absence, NPHC 2021
- Table 21: Absent population abroad by country and reason of absence, NPHC 2021
- Table 22: Absent population abroad by duration and age at leaving the country, NPHC 2021
- Table 23: Absent population abroad by age groups and level of education at leaving the country, NPHC 2021
व्यक्तिगत तालिका
- Table 01: Number of households and population by sex, NPHC 2021
- Table 02: Number of households by household size, NPHC 2021
- Table 03: Population by single year of age and sex, NPHC 2021
- Table 04: Population by five years age group and sex, NPHC 2021
- Table 05: Number of local levels, households and population by population size of local level, NPHC2021
- Table 06: Number of household heads by age and sex of the household head, NPHC 2021
- Table 07: Number of household member by relation of household head, NPHC 2021
- Table 09: Population by 5 years age group and country/region of citizenship, NPHC 2021
- Table 10: Population aged 10 years and above by 5 years age group and marital status, NPHC 2021
- Table 11: Married population aged 10 years and above by 5 years age group and age at first marriage, NPHC 2021
- Table 16: Population by 5 years age group and type of disability, NPHC 2021
- Table 17: Population aged 5 years and above by literacy status, NPHC 2021
- Table 18: Population aged 5 years and above by educational attainment (level completed), NPHC 2021
- Table 19: Population aged 5 to 25 years who have completed educational level below S.L.C/S.E.E. or never attended any school by current status of school attendance and level of education completed, NPHC 2021
- Table 20: Population aged 5-25 years by status of school/college attendance, NPHC 2021
- Table 21: Population aged 15 years and above with 10+2 or equivalent and higher level of education completed by major field of study, NPHC 2021
- Table 22: Population by place of birth, sex and 5 years age group, NPHC 2021
- Table 23: Native Born Population by province of birth, sex and age groups, NPHC 2021
- Table 24: Foreign born Population by Broad Age Group and Country/Region of birth, NPHC 2021
- Table 25: Population residing in enumerated area by former place of residence preceding the census, sex and age group, NPHC 2021
- Table 26: Population residing in enumerated area by former place of residence preceding the census,ecological belt, sex and age group, NPHC 2021
- Table 27: Population residing in enumerated area by former place of residence preceding the census, province, sex and age group, NPHC 2021
- Table 28: Currently migrated* population by length of stay in the current place, Sex and Age group, NPHC 2021
- Table 29: Population whose former place of residence preceding the census was other than the current enumerated place within country by main reason of migration, NPHC 2021
- Table 30: Population whose former place of residence preceding the census was abroad by country/region, NPHC 2021
- Table 31: Population whose former place of residence preceding the census was abroad by Length of Stay in the current place, NPHC 2021
- Table 32: Population whose former place of residence preceding the census was abroad by main reason of migration in the current place, NPHC 2021
- Table 33: Ever married female population 15-49 years of age by number of children ever born alive and age group of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 34: Ever married female population 15-49 years of age by number of children dead and age group of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 35: Ever married female population 15-49 years of age by number of children born alive in the last 12 months and age group of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 36: Number of children ever born, still alive and died by sex of child and age group of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 37: Number of children ever born by literacy/educational attainment of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 38: Number of children died by literacy/educational attainment of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 39: Number of children born alive in the last 12 months by literacy/educational attainment of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 40: Ever married female population 15-49 years of age by major occupation and age group of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 41: Number of Children died by Major occupation and age group of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 42: Number of children born alive in last 12 months by major occupation of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 43: Number of Children ever born by Major Industry of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 44: Number of Children died by Major Industry of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 45: Number of children born alive in last 12 months by Major Industry of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 46: Number of children born alive in last 12 months by reason of economic inactivity of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 47: Number of children dead by reason of economic inactivity of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 48: Number of children born alive in last 12 months by reason of economic inactivity of mother, NPHC 2021
- Table 49: Population 10 years of age and above by number of months engaged in economic work within last 12 months and age group, NHPC 2021
- Table 50: Population 10 years of age and above by number of months engaged in economic work within last 12 months and occupation, NPHC 2021
- Table 51: Population 10 years of age and above by number of months engaged in economic work within last 12 months and industry, NPHC 2021
- Table 52: Population 10 years of age and above by number of months engaged in economic work and status of job seeking, 2021
- Table 53: Economically active and not active population 10 years of age and above by age groups, NPHC 2021
- Table 54: Population aged 10 years and above by literacy status/educational attainment and economic activity, 2021
- Table 55: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by occupation and age group, 2021
- Table 56: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by industry and age groups, 2021
- Table 57: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by major industry and major occupation, NPHC 2021
- Table 58: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by literacy status/educational attainment and major occupation, 2021
- Table 59: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by literacy status/educational attainment and major industry, NPHC 2021
- Table 60: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by status of employment and age groups, NPHC 2021
- Table 61: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by major occupation and employment status, NPHC 2021
- Table 62: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by institutional sector of employment and age group, 2021
- Table 63: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by literacy status/ educational attainment and institutional sector of employment, NPHC 2021
- Table 64: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by major occupation and Institutional sector of employment, NPHC 2021
- Table 65: Economically active population 10 years of age and above by major industry and Institutional sector of employment, NPHC 2021
- Table 66: Population aged 10 years and above who did not work or worked less than six months in the last 12 months preceding the census by main reasons for not being economically more active, NPHC 2021
- Table 67: Population aged 10 years and above who didn't work or worked less than six months in the last 12 months by literacy status/ educational attainment and reason for not being active, NPHC 2021
- Table 68: Population 10 years of age and over who did not work at all or worked less than 6 months in the last 12 months by major reason of not being active, NPHC 2021
- Table 69: Population under 18 years of age by status of living arrangements and age groups, NPHC 2021
- Table 70: Population under 18 years of age by status of living arrangements and literacy status, NPHC 2021
- Table 71: Number of children 5 years of age and below by status of birth registration, NPHC 2021