- Most one-story houses in Nepal, more than 6 lakh vacant
- 25 percent of households are bank borrowers
- When analyzing new linguistic data
- The full details of the National Census 2078 have been released, what are the statistics?
- Summary of National Census, 2078
- Census results: only 2.2 percent of master's degree, how many passed only SLC?
- The final results of the census were pushed back as they influenced the upcoming elections
- Decreasing Hill District
- Census final report by November # all over the country at once#Apps being developed
- Politics of Census
- The final results of the National Census, 2078 will be announced in Novembe
- The message of the census: Let's not take advantage of the active population
- Demographic picture of the country
- Missing population included informally '
- Two enumerators pass countless hurdles to reach frontier villages
- Experience of Enumerators who reached in Tinkar Darchula
- Who risked their lives to conduct the census of Chhangru and Tinkar
- Importance of Census for Marginalized Communities | Katwal Radio
- सम्माननीय राष्ट्रियपति विद्यादेवी भण्डारी ज्यूले राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०७८ का सन्दर्भमा जारी गर्नु भएको भिडियो सन्देश
- सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवा ज्यूले राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०७८ का सन्दर्भमा जारी गर्नु भएको भिडियो सन्देश
- सम्माननीय उपराष्ट्रपति नन्दबहादुर पुन ज्यूले राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०७८ का सन्दर्भमा जारी गर्नु भएको भिडियो सन्देश
- प्रमुख प्रतिपक्ष दलको नेता केपि शर्मा ओलि ज्यूले राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०७८ का सन्दर्भमा जारी गर्नु भएको भिडियो सन्देश
- Our data system should be decentralized and data centralized
- National Population census begins, Supervisor at the door with seven questions
- यस वर्ष हुनुपर्ने जनगणना अलपत्र, कोरोना महामारीका कारण सुरु नै हुन सकेन | Prime HD TV
- New Census Schedule Published
- जनगणना एक, आयाम अनेक
- केन्द्रीय तथ्याङ्क विभाग र सानिमा बैंकको सहकार्यमा राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०७८ को लागि जारी सचेतना (कलाकार: मदनकृष्ण र हरिवंश)
- राष्ट्रिय जनगणनामा पहिलोपटक वित्तीय पहुँच र ऋण खाताबारे विवरण सङ्कलन गरिंदै
- As officials prepare for the census this year, they are hopeful it will be more reliable
- Preparation of Census 2021
- Ownership and participation of all is essential in the construction of public property like census
- Statistics and the sovereignty of the nation
- Literacy Program on Census Awareness 2021
- This time around 60,000 people will get temporary employment in the National Census
- Civil liability in census
- What are the questions in the census, what are the answers?
- Census Questionnaire Prepared (with Sample)
- संघीय नेपालको पहिलो जनगणनाले कोर्दैछ अग्रगमनको मार्गचित्र थप सामग्री
- What is the fertility rate of Nepali women? The census is looking for answers
- Technology will be used in the census of 2021 NEWS24 TV
- The Central Statistics Department is preparing the National Census 2078
- The national census in 2078, chose to participate! Dhundiraj Lamichhane, Director Statistics Department
- Sample census of National Census 2078 will begin on January 7, NEWS24 TV
- Discussion and Interaction Program @ Arghakhanchi about the preparation of National Census 2078
- 2021 census will demonstrate Nepal’s comprehensive picture: CBS
- Census 2021 requires Rs. 2 billion and Rs. 3,000 employees
- Preparation of National Census 2 in Sindhuli begins
- The basic question of National Census 2 is: What religion do you believe in?
- Preparation for Census-2021 started
- There will be 3,000 unemployed youths in the national census
- Preparation of National Census-2074 started
- National Census, 2021: The basis of prosperity
- Preparation of census 2021 work plan
- Pilot 'National Census 2021 from January 1
- Sample census of National Census-2021 is being done
- Census preparation intensive